Approaches to analyzing multi-functional problems

Nicklas Werge Svendsen*, Torben Anker Lenau*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Designers’ appreciation of functional analysis and morphological synthesis and criticism regarding sub functional focus and poor innovation ability of these approaches, is the theoretical starting point of this article. Inspired by the multi-functionality of fascinating principles found in nature, this article explores how multi-functionality is handled in engineering design. Using a multi-functional case, findings suggest searching for multi-functional solution principles and that minor changes to the FM-tree could support designers in assessing a product’s complexity degree.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of NordDesign 2020
    EditorsN. H. Mortensen, C. T. Hansen, M. Deininger
    Number of pages12
    VolumeDS 101
    PublisherDesign Society
    Publication date2020
    ISBN (Electronic)9781912254088
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    EventNordDesign 2020 - DTU-Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 12 Aug 202014 Aug 2020


    ConferenceNordDesign 2020
    LocationDTU-Technical University of Denmark
    Internet address


    • Functional analysis
    • Multi-functionality
    • Conceptual design
    • Bio-inspired design


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