Approach suitable for screening estimation methods for critical properties of heavy compounds

A. Zbogar, F. vidal da Silva Lopes, Georgios Kontogeorgis

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A simple theoretical-based correlation of the ratio of the critical temperature to the critical pressure (T-c/p(c)) as a function of the van der Waals surface area (Q,) has been previously developed based on an extensive database of critical data published prior to 1996. The final equation was the following: T-c/p(c) = 9.0673 + 0.43309(Q(w)(1.3) + Q(w)(1.95)) where T-c is the critical temperature in kelvin and p(c) is the critical pressure in bar. This correlation is further validated here based on recent experimental data for various families of organic compounds, including some heavy ones (mono- and diacids, alkenes, cyclo/phenylalkanes, and squalane). This and previous validations verify that this correlation has a much broader application range, up to (T-c/p(c)) ratios of 200, than the data used in its development (compounds with ratios up to 100). it seems that most organic compounds, including the very heavy and complex ones, follow the trend suggested by this equation. This equation can be used for testing existing group-contribution estimation methods. It is shown here that direct comparison of the Joback and Constantinou-Gani methods for two families of compounds (alkenes and carboxylic acids) is in agreement with their validation via the proposed equation. Similar results have been obtained for other compounds. Both group-contribution methods are of equal accuracy for heavy alkenes and acids, provided that experimental boiling point temperatures are available for the Joback method. If such data are not available, e.g., for heavy compounds, the Constantinou-Gani method should be preferred. The proposed correlation does not offer an alternative to group-contribution methods as it only provides a single relationship of the two critical properties. Its universal character, though, and validation for many heavy compounds offer a way to test and compare existing group-contribution methods and, finally, to select the one that best conforms with the proposed correlation. It is recommended that the proposed correlation is indeed used for high molecular weight compounds for which experimental critical properties are typically not available.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)476-480
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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