Application of an occupant voting system for continuous occupant feedback on thermal and indoor air quality: Case studies in office spaces

Donya Sheikh Khan*, Jakub Kolarik, Peter Weitzmann

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    Smartphone applications or electronic devices in the form of occupant voting systems (OVS) have demonstrated to be feasible for acquiring feedback from occupants to support the building operation manager to identify indoor environmental quality (IEQ) problems and inappropriate control settings of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC). The present paper aims to contribute to the growing research on OVS as a tool to support building operation management. The paper presents a study about a tangible OVS, denoted TiAQ, that occupants could use to vote on their here-and-now experiences regarding the thermal environment and indoor air quality. The main objectives were to identify whether there was an alignment between the votes collected with TiAQ and the monitored IEQ variables as well as to demonstrate the use of occupant votes to identify problematic IEQ conditions and appropriate strategies for HVAC control. The study demonstrated that thermal votes collected with TiAQ could be related to the variations in the indoor temperature and ventilation airflow. Additionally, collected votes could identify i.a. poorly set indoor temperature setpoint and appropriate control strategies that could reduce energy use by 46% and increase thermal comfort and cold complaints by 6% if current airflow and indoor temperature setpoint were lowered.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number111363
    JournalEnergy and Buildings
    Number of pages19
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Building operation management
    • Complaint management
    • Indoor environmental quality
    • Occupant feedback
    • Occupant voting system


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