Antioxidative effect of lipophilized caffeic acid in fish oil enriched mayonnaise and milk

Mercedes Alemán, Ricard Bou, Francesc Guardiola, Erwann Durand, Pierre Villeneuve, Charlotte Jacobsen, Ann-Dorit Moltke Sørensen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The antioxidative effect of lipophilized caffeic acid was assessed in two different fish oil enriched food products: mayonnaise and milk. In both emulsion systems, caffeic acid esterified with fatty alcohols of different chain lengths (C1–C20) were better antioxidants than the original phenolic compound. The optimal chain length with respect to protection against oxidation was, however, different for the two food systems. Fish oil enriched mayonnaise with caffeates of medium alkyl chain length (butyl, octyl and dodecyl) added resulted in a better oxidative stability than caffeates with shorter (methyl) or longer (octadecyl) alkyl chains. Whereas in fish oil enriched milk emulsions the most effective caffeates were those with shorter alkyl chains (methyl and butyl) rather than the ones with medium and long chains (octyl, dodecyl, hexadecyl and eicosyl). These results demonstrate that there might be an optimum alkyl chain length for each phenolipid in each type of emulsion systems.
Original languageEnglish
JournalFood Chemistry
Pages (from-to)236-244
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Caffeic acid
  • o/w emulsions
  • Polar paradox
  • Phenolipids
  • Fish oil
  • Cut-off effect


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