Annual index & ranking for institutional Open Access performance

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


A simple institutional index based on % of peer-review publications that are accessible through (gold and/or green) OA via the internet, can be a very powerful tool for both administrators and funders to see where their efforts and institutions rank in the global OA effort. Credible answers to questions like: "Who are the leaders?", "Who are the latest performers?", "What publicly-funded institutes researching into topical themes with socio-economic consequences, could do better at making their research accessible to stakeholders?" can also stimulate non-commited institutes to invest more in OA. The theme can focus on the technical challenges of an automated online index which annually measures OA performance, technical feasability and potential support of research funders to develop such a long term measure
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2011
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventCERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication - University of Genenva, Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 22 Jun 201124 Jun 2011


WorkshopCERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
LocationUniversity of Genenva
Internet address


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