Annex XV - Task 3 Industrial Excess Heat Recovery: Final Report

René Hofmann, Anton Beck, Leisa Burrell, Thore Berntsson, Christian Diendorfer, Stefan Puschnigg, Simon Moser, Valerie Rodin, Heimo Walter, Bahador Bakhtiari, Serge Bedard, Nasrin Arjomand Kermani, Jens Mikkelsen, Fridolin Müller Holm, Jan Sandvig Nielsen, Brian Elmegaard, Arnaud Becq, Stefano Stendardo, Michael Bantle, Alexis SevaultJoão Silva, Hugo Carabineiro, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey, Don Olsen, Benjamin Ong, Beat Wellig

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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This annex was originally suggested in 2008. Annex XV Task 1 was finalized in the spring 2015. From September 2016 to August 2018 Task 2 was successfully completed. Nevertheless, a number of further questions were identified which are to be tackled within the framework of this Annex - Task 3 (01.11.2019 to 31.10.2021). The Annex takes on a multi-disciplinary approach to the concept of excess heat recovery integrated in industrial complexes, aiming at the optimization of energy efficiency in global terms. The approach is based on industry needs and application, combining the knowledge of industrial technologies with energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The findings from Task 2 lead to a number of areas which resulted in this Task 3. Thus, the present Annex XV, Task 3 enabled to broaden the scope and included some new aspects, which may not be considered separately for changed framework conditions within an industrial environment.

The included Subtasks were
o Subtask 1: Combination of methods for excess heat identification and quantification
o Subtask 2: Consequences for excess heat levels of future changes in industrial energy systems
o Subtask 3: Operational aspects in industrial energy systems
o Subtask 4: Opportunity and risk assessment for excess heat projects
o Subtask 5: Compilation of innovative excess heat projects

The achievements and results summarized in
o a synthesis report on findings in the projects included in the Task as well as reported in literature, divided into the five subtasks,
o a recommendation for further work internationally,
o one report from each participant project (one or more per country),
o Dissemination activities of each participating country.

There have been in total 6 meetings in the task, including 5-day deep dive sessions for the individual Subtasks.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherIndustrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems
Number of pages88
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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