”... and ACTION !” Filmprojektets produktionsledelse observeret gennem byggepladsens optik. Fra multidimensional planlægning over konsensus baseret styring til motiverede arbejdsflow

Christin Egebjerg

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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    The PhD study of material project productions is done partly as ethnographic observations of Danish and American movie sets and construction sites, partly as qualitative interviews and literature studies. Analyses were performed using Actor Network Theory (ANT) and seeking answers to why professional movie productions far better meet their goals for time, budget and quality than construction productions do. This thesis contributes to project management theory, which has long been called for an integrated management system for transformation, flow and value.
    Part of the management system for movie productions is a digital planning tool for the actual production process, with a wealth of detail that facilitates flexibility in planning within the framework of fixed aims. A flexibility that relates with the daily changing terms for operations, that is the reality of material project productions in contrast to industrial productions. The thesis is calling this principle 'Fragment Planning©' and interprets it in relation to construction projects. This approach resembles both a mixture and an expansion of familiar planning tools in construction as Critical Path Methods, Flowline Charts and Last Planner System™.
    With such a detailed process plan, production must be controlled 'from minute to minute. For this purpose on movie sets is hired an independent process controller (assistant director), who coordinates all tasks in collaboration with the production manager and the value le¬ader (director). Thus, movie productions in the daily have a leadership team, where all parameters of transformation, flow and value are independently represented, but handled in a shared leadership.
    This PhD thesis concludes from an isolated view of the production phase that large professional movie and construction productions have so many features in common that it makes sense to transfer ideas from the movie industry's planning and controlling methods on set to construction sites in order to obtain more accurate, efficient and harmonious production flows.
    Original languageDanish
    PublisherDTU Management Engineering
    Number of pages411
    ISBN (Print)978-87-92706-51-5
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    SeriesDTU Management Ph.d.-afhandling

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