Analysis of room acoustics in Danish Hospitals

Ida Ørduk Hoffmann, Valentina Zapata Rodriguez, Cheol-Ho Jeong, Mai-Britt Beldam, James Michael Harte

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    This project aims to compare room acoustic parameters and noise levels in various Danish hospitals: Odense, Gentofte, Bispebjerg, Hillerød and Aarhus Hospitals. Room acoustic conditions are measured in audiometric rooms at Odense, Gentofte, Bispebjerg and Aarhus hospitals. The noise levels in emergency rooms at Gentofte, Køge and Hillerød hospitals are measured over several days. The measurements are also compared with the requirements in the Danish Building Regulation, WHO guidelines and previous studies. The main parameters considered are the reverberation time parameters, e.g., Early decay time (EDT) and T20, and the sound pressure level metrics, namely the equivalent level and peak level. In addition, the staff at the hospitals is asked about their personal perception of the acoustic and noise conditions and the correlation between their subjective disturbances/annoyance and the objective acoustic parameters is investigated
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of BNAM 2018
    Number of pages6
    Publication date2018
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventBaltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2018 - Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland
    Duration: 15 Apr 201818 Apr 2018


    ConferenceBaltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2018


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