Analysis and Design of Wide-Band SiGe HBT Active Mixers

Tom Keinicke Johansen, Viktor Krozer, Jens Vidkjær

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    The frequency response of SiGe HBT active mixers based on the Gilbert cell topology is analyzed theoretically. The time-varying operation of the active mixer is taken into account by applying conversion matrix analysis. The main bandwidth-limiting mechanisms experienced in SiGe HBT active mixers performing frequency conversion of wide-band signals is discussed. The analysis is verified by computer simulations using a realistic high-frequency large-signal SiGe HBT model. An active mixer design based on the Gilbert cell topology modified for wide-band operation using emitter degenerated transconductance stage and shunt feedback load stage is discussed. Experimental results are given for an active mixer implemented in a 0.8-μm 35-GHz fT SiGe HBT BiCMOS process.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)2389-2397
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

    Bibliographical note

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