An overview of current non-nuclear radioactive waste management in the Nordic countries and considerations on possible needs for enhanced inter-Nordic cooperation: Final report from a NKS-B activity commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers

Kasper Grann Andersson, Erica Brewitz, Sigurður M. Magnússon, Mika Markkanen, Finn Physant, Jelena Mrdakovic Popic, David Garf Ulfbeck

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report is the final deliverable of a project commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers for NKS to assess the current situation in the Nordic countries with respect to management of non-nuclear radioactive waste. The ultimate goal was to examine if any needs could be identified for en-hanced Nordic cooperation within the area. The radiation safety authorities in the Nordic countries were all asked to produce a current status report including thoughts about possible needs for enhanced cooperation. The material was presented and discussed at a meeting in Copenhagen of rep-resentatives of NKS and the Nordic authorities, and a number of ideas were derived with the perspective of possible further cooperation between the Nordic countries on the regulatory level, whereas more scientific based new work ideas were thought to be suited for an activity application for the next NKS call for proposals, in the autumn of 2015.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherNKS Secretariat
    Number of pages91
    ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7893-435-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • NKS-351
    • Radioactive waste
    • Non-nuclear
    • Waste management
    • NORM
    • Nordic co-operation
    • Orphan sources
    • Sealed sources
    • Scrap metal sources
    • Geological disposal


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