An optical device capable of providing a structural color, and a corresponding method of manufacturing such a device.

Anders Kristensen (Inventor), Emil Højlund-Nielsen (Inventor), N. Asger Mortensen (Inventor), Jesper Nørregaard (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present invention relates to an optical device having a nano-structured surface capable of providing a structural color to a normal human viewer, the device made being manufactured in one single material. A plurality of nano- structured protrusions (5) is further arranged with a first periodicity (P1) in a first direction and a second periodicity (P2) in a second direction, the first and second periodicity being chosen so that the optical reflection is dominated by specular reflection. The nano-structured protrusions are optionally arranged with a relative spatial randomness (SR) with respect to the average surface positions. The position, size, and randomness of the protrusions are arranged so as to provide, at least up to a maximum angle of incidence (A_in) with respect to a normal to the surface, an angle-independent substantially homogeneous structural color perception for a normal human viewer, at least up to a maximum observation angle (A_obs) with respect to a normal to the surface.
    Original languageEnglish
    IPCG02B1/00; G02B5/00; G02B5/18
    Patent numberWO2014194920
    Filing date11/12/2014
    Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    Priority date04/06/2013
    Priority numberEP20130170492
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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