An Ontology Approach for Building MFM Libraries

Jing Wu, Morten Lind

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    With the development of knowledge-based systems technology, it is possible to assist automation of Multilevel Flow Modelling (MFM) to promote reusability and shareability of knowledge-based components based on domain knowledge and concrete process-specific knowledge for life-cycle processes. In this paper, an ontology approach for building MFM libraries is proposed. The library ontologies are composed of three levels: top-level ontologies, domain ontologies and method ontologies. They are developed for the offshore oil and gas domain and are compared with the ISO 15926 ontology structure. In addition, a procedure for creating MFM library elements is presented and a method for connecting libraries elements are defined. In the case study, the example of a gas treatment process is modelled. It illustrates the usefulness of the MFM libraries. This approach avoids building
    models from scratch and instead assembling reusable knowledge-based components. Consequently, it supports odelers to build higher quality models and reduce the modelling efforts at the same time.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of STSS/ISOFIC/ISSNP 2021
    Number of pages4
    Publication date2021
    Publication statusPublished - 2021
    EventSTSS/ISOFiC/ISSNP 2021 - Okayama Convention Center and online, Okayama, Japan
    Duration: 15 Nov 202117 Nov 2021


    ConferenceSTSS/ISOFiC/ISSNP 2021
    LocationOkayama Convention Center and online
    Internet address


    • Ontology
    • Funtional modelling
    • Multilevel flow modelling
    • Modelling automation
    • Knowledge-based Systems


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