An MPC approach to individual pitch control of wind turbines using uncertain LIDAR measurements

Mahmood Mirzaei, Mohsen Soltani, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Hans Henrik Niemann

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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Spatial distribution of the wind field exerts unbalanced loads on wind turbine structures and it is shown these loads could be mitigated by controlling each blade’s angle individually (individual pitch control). In this work the problem of individual pitch control of a variable-speed variablepitch wind turbine in the full load region is considered. Model predictive control (MPC) is used to solve the problem. A new approach is proposed to simplify the optimization problem of MPC. We linearize the obtained nonlinear model for different operating points which are determined by the effective wind speed on the rotor disc and take the wind speed as a scheduling variable. The wind speed is measurable ahead of the turbine using LIDARs, therefore the scheduling variable is known for the entire prediction horizon. We consider uncertainty in the wind propagation, which is the traveling time of wind from the LIDAR measurement point to the rotor. An algorithm based on wind speed estimation and measurements from the LIDAR is devised to find an estimate of the delay and compensate for it before it is used in the controller. Comparisons between the MPC with error compensation, without error compensation and a benchmark cyclic pitch PI controller are given. The results show that with appropriate signal processing techniques, LIDAR measurements improve the performance of the wind turbine controller.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2013 European Control Conference (ECC)
Publication date2013
ISBN (Print)978-3-952-41734-8
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event12th European Control Conference (ECC 2013) - Zurich, Switzerland
Duration: 17 Jul 201319 Jul 2013


Conference12th European Control Conference (ECC 2013)
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