An Improved Impedance/Admittance Analysis Method Considering Collector Subsystem Transformation in Converter-integrated Power Systems

Chenxuan Wang, Zhen Wang, Qiuwei Wu, Huanhai Xin

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    To analyze oscillation phenomenon caused by the interaction between converters and an AC grid, the impedance/admittance analysis method is a popular solution, in which each electrical component is represented by an external impedance/admittance matrix and a lumped matrix is formed for stability analysis. However, for converter-integrated power systems considering typical collector subsystems (e.g., the radial and ring collector subsystem in wind farms and PV stations), the impedance network reduction to form the lumped impedance/admittance matrix (LIM/LAM) becomes complicated particularly for a ring collector subsystem, which affects the efficiency of the oscillation analysis. To address this problem, this paper proposes a method that can transform a typical topology of collector subsystems into a pure-parallel topology so that lumped admittance matrix is much easier to be derived. Algorithm complexity analysis confirms its computational advantages. A fifty-converter system is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
    Issue number6
    Pages (from-to)5963-5966
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Admittance
    • Collector subsystem transformation
    • Converter-integrated power system
    • Impedance
    • lumped impedance/admittance matrix (LIM/LAM)
    • Matrix converters
    • Network topology
    • Oscillation analysis
    • Oscillators
    • Power system stability
    • Topology


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