An Analytical Model for the Influence of Contact Resistance on Thermoelectric Efficiency

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An analytical model is presented that can account for both electrical and hot and cold thermal contact resistances when calculating the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator. The model is compared to a numerical model of a thermoelectric leg for 16 different thermoelectric materials, as well as to the analytical models of Ebling et al. (J Electron Mater 39:1376, 2010) and Min and Rowe (J Power Sour 38:253, 1992). The model presented here is shown to accurately calculate the efficiency for all systems and all contact resistances considered, with an average difference in efficiency between the numerical model and the analytical model of -0.07 ± 0.35pp. This makes the model more accurate than previously published models. The maximum absolute difference in efficiency between the analytical model and the numerical model is 1.14pp for all materials and all contact resistances considered.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Electronic Materials
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)1301-1308
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Thermoelectrics
  • Efficiency
  • Contact resistance
  • Electrical resistance
  • Thermal resistance


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