An algebraic approach to analysis of recursive and concurrent programs

Michal Tomasz Terepeta

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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This thesis focuses on formal techniques based on static program analysis, model checking and abstract interpretation that offer means for reasoning about software, verification of its properties and discovering potential bugs.

First, we investigate an algebraic approach to static analysis and explore its connections to abstract interpretation framework. We introduce the notion of a flow algebra, which is an algebraic structure similar to semirings, but closer to the classical monotone frameworks. We also generalize Galois connections to flow algebras and discuss when a flow algebra is an upper-approximation of (or induced from) another flow algebra.

Furthermore, we show how flow algebras can be used in communicating or weighted pushdown systems. To achieve that, we show that it is possible to relax some of the requirements imposed by original formulation of those techniques without compromising the soundness or completeness results.

Moreover, we present a new application of pushdown systems in the context of an aspect-oriented process calculus. The addition of aspect-oriented features makes it possible for a process to exhibit a recursive structure. We show how one can faithfully model and analyze such a language.

We also introduce an abstract domain that symbolically represents the messages sent between the concurrently executing processes. It stores prefixes or suffixes of communication traces including various constraints imposed on the messages. Since the problem has exponential complexity, we also present a compact data structure as well as efficient algorithms for the semiring operations.

Apart from that, we discuss an improvement to Pre* and Post* algorithms for pushdown systems, making it possible to directly use program representations such as program graphs. We present a modular library implementing those algorithms, which also provides a lot of flexibility with respect to, e.g., various constraints solvers.

Finally, we describe one such experimental solver based on Newton’s method. It allows solving equation systems over abstract domains that were not accommodated by other solving techniques, e.g., Kleene iteration. We present such a domain and provide a preliminary evaluation of our implementation.

To conclude, we believe the thesis presents a number of contributions interesting both from the theoretical point of view as well as from an implementation one.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
Number of pages205
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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