An 808 Line Phasor-Based Ddehomogenisation Matlab Code For Multi-Scale Topology Optimisation

Rebekka Varum Woldseth, Ole Sigmund*, Peter Dørffler Ladegaard Jensen

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This work presents an 808-line Matlab educational code for combined multi-scale topology optimisation and phasor-based dehomogenisation titled deHomTop808. The multi-scale formulation utilises homogenisation of optimal microstructures to facilitate efficient coarse-scale optimisation. Dehomogenisation allows for a high-resolution single-scale reconstruction of the optimised multi-scale structure, achieving minor losses in structural performance, at a fraction of the computational cost, compared to its large-scale topology optimisation counterpart. The presented code utilises stiffness optimal Rank-2 microstructures to minimise the compliance of a single-load case problem, subject to a volume fraction constraint. By exploiting the inherent efficiency benefits of the phasor-based dehomogenisation procedure, on-the-fly dehomogenisation to a single-scale structure is obtained. The presented code includes procedures for structural verification of the final dehomogenised structure by comparison to the multi-scale solution. The code is introduced in terms of the underlying theory and its major components, including examples and potential extensions, and can be downloaded from
Original languageEnglish
Article number205
JournalStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Number of pages67
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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