Alkali silicate particles as intumescing agents in fire protective coatings

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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This work explores the solid self-expanding properties of alkali silicate particles with focus on their potential as intumescing agents in fire protective coatings. The applications of hot-stage microscopy together with TGA, FTIR, XRD, and SEM were used to map the hydration chemistry and thermal behaviour. Herein, the synthesized lithium-, sodium-, and potassium silicates were investigated with varying SiO2/M2O molar ratios and under different curing humidity. A correlation between the expansion potential, the SiO2/M2O molar ratio, and curing humidity was revealed with increasing expansion for lower molar ratios (3.1-7.4) and higher curing humidity (35-90% RH). While previous studies focus on the intumescence effect of solid-bound H2O at higher temperatures, the influence of a softening of the silicate matrix is emphasized in this research. Here, a timely balanced softening with subsequent H2O release is a key factor contributing to increased expansion potential. The combination of hot-stage microscopy and TGA suggested an intumescence mechanism of initial shrinkage, sphere formation, expansion due to viscoelastic melt formation and H2O evolution, and a second shrinkage before an eventual melting of the particles. Notably, the sodium silicate particles with a SiO2/M2O molar ratio of 3.4 exhibited a uniform, solid relative expansion of up to 550%, which was maintained until a second shrinkage at 650 ºC and a later melting at 950 ºC. The observed expansion potential of alkali silicate particles emerges as promising and more sustainable candidates as intumescing agents in fire protective coatings.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Fire Safety Engineering Research and Practice (iCFSERP-2024)
EditorsMd Kamrul Hassan , Zhong Tao, Md Delwar Hossain, Sameera Pathirana, Alan Todhunter
Number of pages1
Publication date2024
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-7636843-0-0
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event1st International Conference on Fire Safety Engineering Research and Practice - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 24 Jul 202427 Nov 2024


Conference1st International Conference on Fire Safety Engineering Research and Practice


  • Intumescing ingredient
  • Blowing agent
  • Alkali silicate
  • Intumescing coating


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