Alkali Release from Typical Danish Aggregates to Potential ASR Reactive Concrete

Hans Christian Brolin Thomsen, Bent Grelk, Ricardo Antonio Barbosa, Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen

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    Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete is a well-known deterioration mechanism affecting the long term durability of Danish concrete structures. Deleterious ASR cracking can be significantly reduced or prevented by limiting the total alkali content of concrete under a certain threshold limit, which in Denmark is recommended to 3 kg/m3 Na2Oeq.. However, this threshold limit does not account for the possible internal contribution of alkali to the concrete pore solution by release from aggregates or external contributions from varies sources. This study indicates that certain Danish aggregates are capable of releasing more than 0.46 kg/m3 Na2Oeq. at 13 weeks of exposure in laboratory test which may increase the risk for deleterious cracking due to an increase in alkali content in the concrete.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventXXIIIth Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research & Developement - Aalborg, Denmark
    Duration: 21 Aug 201723 Aug 2017
    Conference number: 23


    ConferenceXXIIIth Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research & Developement


    • Alkali-silica reaction
    • Aggregate
    • Alkali content
    • Durability


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