Age- and size-dependent mating performance and fertility in a pelagic copepod, Temora longicornis

Mie Hylstofte Sichlau, Thomas Kiørboe

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Prepress abstract: In many species, size and age have been shown to be strong determinants of the reproductive success for both sexes. Here we examine age- and size dependent reproductive performance (egg- and sperm production, mating success) in a pelagic copepod. Compared to smaller males, larger males produce larger spermatophores containing more spermatozoa, and fertilize a larger fraction of available females. Females mating with large males produce more offspring than those mating with small males. Similarly, large females have higher egg production rates as well as a higher life-time egg production than small females. Ageing effects are evident in this species: Mortality rate increases and fertility decreases rapidly with age. The average adult longevity under optimal laboratory conditions was 30 days in both males and females, but females produce eggs for only 18 days, and males can fertilize females for only about eight days after they mature. The strong size- and age-dependent fertility observed in this species is conducive to the development of sexual selection via mate choice for young and large partners, as has been shown in one other copepod species
Original languageEnglish
JournalMarine Ecology - Progress Series
Pages (from-to)123-132
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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