Advanced free-form micro tooling: Final. COTECH EU FP7 Integrated Project (Grant Agreement no.: CP-IP 214491-2)

Guido Tosello, J. Gavillet

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    The present deliverable contains the report of the work and results achieved within the framework of WP 2.2 in Tasks 2.2.4 “Advanced free-form micro tooling” in experimental research done regarding practical applications of methods of applying nano structures to tooling solutions. As part of Task 2.2.4, tests based on three different chemical-based-batch techniques to establish surface nano (i.e. sub-μm) structures on large tools area were performed. The three approached regarded: o Scheme 1  The use of Ø500nm nanobeads deposition for direct patterning of a Ø4inch. silicon wafer and subsequent nickel electroplating; o Scheme 2  The use of Ø500nm nanobeads deposition as mask for Ø4inch. silicon wafer etching and subsequent nickel electroplating; o Scheme 3  The use of anodization to produce Ø500nm structures on an 30x80mm2 aluminium substrate and subsequent nickel electroplating. Preparations of periodic nanometre features can affect physical and optical properties of the surface [Liu03][Por99]. Since sub-μm feature details with ultra-low tolerances have to be manufactured, these structures are usually fabricated using clean room technologies or direct ultra precision machining procedures. Methods such as e-beam lithography and nano imprinting lithography [Che05][Che09] have high manufacturing cost and a low throughput. The aim was obtain large tool area with nano structures patterning without using energy intensive nano machining (e.g. focus ion beam, X-ray lithography, etc) but, instead, by exploiting the advantage of using chemical batch processes. The capability of different surface treatment methods of creating micro and nano structured adaptable mould inserts for subsequent polymer replication by injection moulding is investigated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    SeriesCOnverging TECHnologies for micro systems manufacturing

    Bibliographical note

    SP2 – Tooling, WP2.2 – New tool-making solutions for μ-IM and HE


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