Acetoin and 2,3 butanediol isomers synthesis in metabolically engineeredLactococcus lactis

Vijayalakshmi Kandasamy, Jianming Liu, Shruti Harnal Dantoft, Christian Solem, Peter Ruhdal Jensen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Harnessing the biosynthetic machinery of living cells is a common approach used for producing a broad range of useful chemicals. Here, we divert inherent metabolic routes in L. lactis to produce (3R)-acetoin and the derived 2,3 butanediol isomers. Efficient production of (3R)-acetoin was accomplished using a strain where the competing lactate, acetate and ethanol forming pathways had been blocked. By introducing different alcohol
dehydrogenases into this strain, either EcBdh from Enterobacter cloacae or SadB from Achromobacter xylosooxidans, it was possible to achieve high-yield production of m-BDO or R-BDO respectively. To achieve biosustainable production of these chemicals from dairy waste, we transformed the above strains with the lactose plasmid pLP712. This enabled efficient production of (3R)-acetoin, m-BDO and R-BDO from processed whey waste, with titers of 27, 51, and 32.1g/L respectively. The corresponding yields obtained were 0.42, 0.47 and 0.40 g/g lactose, which is 82%, 89%, and 76% of maximum theoretical yield respectively. These results clearly demonstrate that L. lactis is an excellent choice as a cell factory for transforming lactose containing dairy waste into value added chemicals.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventSustain-ATV Conference 2016: Creating Technology for a Sustainable Society - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Duration: 30 Nov 201630 Nov 2016


ConferenceSustain-ATV Conference 2016
LocationTechnical University of Denmark
CityKgs. Lyngby
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Sustain Abstract B-6


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