A testing apparatus for sequentially performing deformation tests on a plurality of samples, and having a support structure (11) and a sample magazine 6 with multiple mutually spaced apart sample holders (18), each being adapted for supporting one sample spaced apart from the samples supported by other sample holders, and each comprising a first abutment being fixed with respect to the sample holder. The testing apparatus comprises at least one second abutment, and each of the multiple first abutments or the second abutment comprises two separate abutment surfaces. Furthermore either each of the multiple first abutments or the second abutment is fixed with respect to the support structure (11), and the testing apparatus further comprises a transport mechanism (7, 12) adapted for relatively moving the other of the multiple first abutments or the second abutment in such a way that each of the first abutments on the multiple sample holders sequentially passes the second abutment and so that the two abutment surfaces on either each of the multiple first abutments or the second abutment passes on each side of at least a part of the other abutment.
Original language | English |
IPC | G01N3/18; G01N3/20 |
Patent number | WO2014195304 |
Filing date | 11/12/2014 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 03/06/2013 |
Priority number | EP20130170272 |
Publication status | Published - 2014 |