A SysML Test Model and Test Suite for the ETCS Ceiling Speed Monitor: Technical report, Work Package 4

Cécile Braunstein, Jan Peleska, Uwe Schulze, Felix Hübner, Wen-ling Huang, Anne Elisabeth Haxthausen, Linh Hong Vu

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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In this technical report a detailed model description of a train control system application is given. The application consists of the ceiling speed monitoring (CSM) function for the European Vital Computer which is the main onboard controller for trains conforming to the European Train Control System specification. The model is provided in SysML, and it is equipped with a formal semantics that is consistent with the (semi formal) SysML standard published by the Object Management Group (OMG). The model and its description are publicly available on http://www.mbt-benchmarks.de, a website dedicated to the publication of models that are of interest for the model-based testing (MBT) community, and may serve as benchmarks for comparing MBT tool capabilities. The model described here is of particular interest for analysing the capabilities of equivalence class testing strategies. The CSM application inputs velocity values from a domain which could not be completely enumerated for test purposes with reasonable effort. We describe a novel method for equivalence class testing that – despite the conceptually infinite cardinality of the input domains – is capable to produce finite test suites that are exhaustive under certain hypotheses about the internal structure of the system under test.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages60
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2014

Bibliographical note

ITEA2 Project, Call 6, Project 11025 open ETCS, 2012 – 2015


  • Model-based testing
  • Equivalence class partition testing
  • UML/SysML
  • European Train Control System ETCS
  • Ceiling Speed Monitoring
  • OETCS/WP4/CSM – 01/00


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