A Stochastic Model for Residential User Activity Simulation

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User activities is an important input to energy modelling, simulation and performance studies of residential buildings. However, it is often difficult to obtain detailed data on user activities and related energy consumption data. This paper presents a stochastic model based on Markov chain to simulate user activities of the households with one or more family members, and formalizes the simulation processes under different conditions. A data generator is implemented to create fine-grained activity sequences that require only a small sample of time-use survey data as a seed. This paper evaluates the data generator by comparing the generated synthetic data with real data, and comparing other related work. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed modelling approach and the efficiency of generating realistic residential user activities.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3326
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Activities
  • Stochastic model
  • Time use survey data
  • Simulation


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