A simplified model predicting the weight of the load carrying beam in a wind turbine blade

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    Based on a simplified beam model, the loads, stresses and deflections experienced by a wind turbine blade of a given length is estimated. Due to the simplicity of the model used, the model is well suited for work investigating scaling effects of wind turbine blades. Presently, the model is used to predict the weight of the load carrying beam when using glassfibre reinforced polymers, carbon fibre reinforced polymers or an aluminium alloy as the construction material. Thereby, it is found that the weight of a glass fibre wind turbine blade is increased from 0.5 to 33 tons when the blade length grows from 20 to 90 m. In addition, it can be seen that for a blade using glass fibre reinforced polymers, the design is controlled by the deflection and thereby the material stiffness in order to avoid the blade to hit the tower. On the other hand if using aluminium, the design will be controlled by the fatigue resistance in orderto making the material survive the 100 to 500 million load cycles experience of the windturbine blade throughout the lifetime. The aluminium blade is also found to be considerably heavier compared with the composite blades.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number012038
    JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science: Understanding performance of composite materials – mechanisms controlling properties - Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark
    Duration: 5 Sept 20168 Sept 2016


    Conference37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science
    LocationRisø Campus

    Bibliographical note

    Content from this work may be used under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
    Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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