title = "A simple M{\"o}ssbauer cryostat based on the ''cold-finger'' principle",
abstract = "The construction and performance of a simple, inexpensive cryostat of the {"}cold-finger{"} type is described. It is specifically intended for M{\"o}ssbauer measurements between - 195 and + 50°C; the accuracy is better than -0. 5 deg C. ",
keywords = "Ris{\o}-M-1662, Crytostats, Moessbauer spectrometers",
author = "L.A. Frees and J. Fenger",
year = "1973",
language = "English",
isbn = "87-550-0232-3",
series = "Ris{\o}-M",
number = "1662",
publisher = "Ris{\o} National Laboratory",