A short course in sustainable product development: Models, methods and mindsets

    Research output: Book/ReportCompendium/lecture notes


    This short course in sustainable product development models, methods and mindsets is designed to fit into the Unical course on Engineering Design Methods. Three modules (called “seminars”) will guide you through . The demands for sustainable development . Professional methods for analysing and changing products’ environmental profiles . A new approach to product service system development, where the physical product becomes an incidental aspect in the final offering to the customer
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventA short course in sustainable product development: Models, methods and mindsets : UNICAL Seminar Cycle - University of Calabria, Italy
    Duration: 1 Jan 2005 → …


    CourseA short course in sustainable product development: Models, methods and mindsets : UNICAL Seminar Cycle
    CityUniversity of Calabria, Italy
    Period01/01/2005 → …


    • Ecodesign
    • Product life
    • PD methods
    • Innovation


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