A Revised Scheme for the Beta Decay of 115-Day Ta182

P. Gregers Hansen, H. L. Nielsen, K. Wilsky

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A six-gap beta spectrometer, a xenon-filled proportional counter, scintillation equipment, and coincidence techniques have been used in a reinvestigation of the beta transitions to the known levels in W182. The main beta component of 522 keV (65%) is shown to proceed to the level at 1290 keV and not, as hitherto believed, to the 1222 keV level. The investigation has further revealed two new β components of higher energy: 591 keV (0.9±0.5% )and 1708 keV (0.05±0.01%). The 1708 keV transition represents a new example of K-forbidden 3−→2+ beta transitions in the rare-earth region.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)657-664
    Publication statusPublished - 1964


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