A new method for obtaining transparent electrodes

Radu Malureanu, Maksim Zalkovskij, Zhengyong Song, Claudia Gritti, Andrei Andryieuski, Qiong He, Lei Zhou, Peter Uhd Jepsen, Andrei Lavrinenko

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    In this article, we propose a simple scheme to make a metallic film on a semi-infinite substrate optically transparent, thus obtaining a completely transparent electrode in a desired frequency range. By placing a composite layer consisting of dielectric and metallic stripes on top of the metallic one, we found that the back-scattering from the metallic film can be almost perfectly canceled by the composite layer under certain conditions, leading to transparency of the whole structure. We performed proof-of-concept experiments in the terahertz domain to verify our theoretical predictions, using carefully designed metamaterials to mimic plasmonic metals in optical regime. Experiments are in excellent agreement with full-wave simulations.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number20
    Pages (from-to)22770-22782
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Bibliographical note

    This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-20-20-22770. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.


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