The invention relates to a polymer needle comprising a body portion with a cylindrical cross- section and a tip portion in extension to the body portion. The tip portion of the needle forms at least two converging surfaces defining an edge. The needle forms a plurality of conduits arranged about a central solid core. The conduits and the core extend from the body portion into the tip portion such that each conduit terminates in one of the tip surfaces and the solid core forms the tip. The invention further relates to an apparatus for cleaving a polymer fibre at elevated temperatures. The polymer needle is prepared by this cleaving apparatus. The cleaving apparatus comprises a holding means for holding the fibre, a guide for guiding the movement of a cleaving knife, and a cleaving knife forming a cutting face of V-shape.
Original language | English |
IPC | A61M5/158; A61M5/32 |
Patent number | WO2018206598 |
Filing date | 15/11/2018 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 08/05/2017 |
Priority number | EP20170169973 |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |