A music festival as innovative living-lab learning in engineering education

L. S. Jensen, B. Rasmussen, A. Marlow, N. Amdrup

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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Innovation and entrepreneurship is high on the education policy agenda and conse-quently also in engineering education. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) does a significant effort to establish a variety of opportunities by encouraging their students to work with project development and entrepreneurship. As a part of their education, DTU students is offered the opportunity to work with the organizers at Roskilde Festival (RF) with a broad range of real-life engineering design challenges (RF is a large music festival with about 100.000 visitors and 32.000 volunteers).
This paper outlines the collaboration framework between DTU and RF; a living-lab learning platform developed between the two organizations. More than 650 engi-neering students have participated between 2010 and 2017. The collaboration pro-vides a unique context for students to conceive, design, develop and implement their own ideas. Our research is based on analysis of data and results from student pro-jects aggregated between 2010 and 2017. In this paper we have a special focus on projects exploiting a commercial potential and present cases of student entrepre-neurship realized through festival projects. Furthermore, we have analyzed the char-acteristics of the cross institutional setup that supports, coordinates and facilitates the platform.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018
EditorsRobin Clark, Edit Peter Munkebo Hussmann, Hannu-Matti Järvinen Järvinen, Mike Murphy, Martin Etchells Vigild
PublisherEuropean Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
Publication date2018
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-87352-016-8
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventEuropean Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference 2018 - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
Duration: 17 Sept 201821 Sept 2018
Conference number: 46


ConferenceEuropean Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference 2018
LocationTechnical University of Denmark
CityKgs Lyngby
Internet address


  • Living lab learning
  • Start-ups
  • Project design
  • Problem-based learning
  • University-business cooperation


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