A modified Wyllie equation for the relationship between porosity and sonic velocity of mixed sediments and carbonates from the Caribbean Sea.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Continuous drill cores from the Caribbean Sea of up to 1 km thick mixed sediments and carbonates were recovered by Ocean Drilling Program Leg 165. The sediments range in porosity from 10% to 80% and in carbonate content from 20% to 95%. Unconfined P-wave velocities from this material were measured by ODP on freshly retrieved water saturated material, and these are compared to similar data from ODP Leg 130 (Ontong Java Plateau) where more than 95% pure carbonates were recovered. To fit low porosity as well as high porosity data, Wyllies equation can be modified by replacing the porosity by the ratio between porosity and critical porosity. Irrespective of clay content the same modified Wyllie type linear relationship was found between the P-wave travel time and porosity. For samples from the Caribbean a critical porosity of 73% was found. A critical porosity of 68% was found for samples fromthe Ontong Java Plateau.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication3rd Nordic Symposium on Petrophysics
    EditorsMike F. Middleton
    Place of PublicationÅs
    PublisherNordic Energi Forskningsprogram
    Publication date1997
    ISBN (Print)82-994330-2-9
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    Event3rd Nordic Symposium on Petrophysics - Göteborg, Sweden
    Duration: 23 Jan 199724 Jan 1997
    Conference number: 3


    Conference3rd Nordic Symposium on Petrophysics
    SeriesNordic Petroleum Technology Series

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