A Model of Safe Subcontracting

Jacob Thommesen, Henning Boje Andersen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report is an excerpt from Deliverable D1.4.1.3 of EU Project iNTeg-Risk. The model presented here is the result of Task 1.4.1 of the iNTeg-Risk project that addressed safety problems related to outsourcing and subcontracting of safety-critical tasks. Concerns have been raised over the effects of the fragmentation of work processes associated with subcontracting and outsourcing, where safety may be affected by heterogeneous safety cultures, distributed lines of responsibility, unclear ownership of safety responsibility, and sometimes lack of local knowledge or lack of core skills.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDTU Management Engineering
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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