A MIP based approach for International Timetabling Competition 2019

Dennis Søren Holm, Rasmus Ørnstrup Mikkelsen, Matias Sørensen, Thomas Jacob Riis Stidsen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch

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This summary paper was written as a part of the submission for the International Timetabling Competition 2019 (ITC2019). It aims to give an overview description of the algorithm used to solve the ITC2019 problem instances. Since the paper is
limited to 4 pages, the description cannot be very comprehensive. The algorithm is divided into different parts. First part is a reduction algorithm where unnecessary information in the data is removed. It is followed up by two initial solution algorithms and a Fix-and-Optimize matheuristic. The initial solution algorithms and Fix-and-Optimize algorithms all depend on a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulation, which will also be described briefly. Finally the computational setup is presented as it defines the resulting algorithm.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2020
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventInternational Timetabling Competition 2019 - Online
Duration: 15 Nov 20182 Sept 2020


OtherInternational Timetabling Competition 2019
Internet address


  • Mixed Integer Programming
  • Matheuristics
  • Fix and Optimize
  • Conflict graphs
  • University Timetabling
  • International Timetabling Competition 2019


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  • Strategic University Timetabling

    Holm, D. S. (PhD Student), Pisinger, D. (Examiner), Stidsen, T. J. R. (Main Supervisor), Christiansen, L. E. (Supervisor), Müller, T. (Examiner) & Sørensen, M. (Supervisor)


    Project: PhD

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