A methodology for the sustainable design and implementation strategy of CO2 utilization processes

Kosan Roh, Rebecca Frauzem, Tuan B. H. Nguyen, Rafiqul Gani, Jay H. Lee

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This work presents a systematic methodology that has been developed for the design of sustainable CO2 utilization processes that can mitigate CO2 and also guarantee profitability. First, the three-stage methodology, evaluation criteria and applicable tools are described. Especially, the process design and analysis is discussed as only limited amounts of process data is available for determining the optimal processing path and in the third stage the issue of implementation strategy is considered. As examples, two CO2 utilization methods for methanol production, combined reforming and direct synthesis are considered. Methanol plants employing such methods are developed using synthesis-design and simulation tools and their evaluation indicators are calculated under various implementation strategies. It is demonstrated that integrating or replacing an existing conventional methanol plant by a combined reforming method represents a sustainable solution. Additionally, producing methanol through direct hydrogenation is a promising way to convert CO2 when cheap H2 feeds are available.
Original languageEnglish
JournalComputers & Chemical Engineering
Pages (from-to)407–421
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • CO2 utilization
  • Economic evaluation
  • Process design
  • Process synthesis
  • Sustainability


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