Disclosed is a method for reducing the tar content in pyrolysis gas generated in a pyrolysis reactor (1). The method comprises the steps of: guiding the pyrolysis gas through a filter (2) to remove at least 90% of all the particles in the pyrolysis gas having a particle size down to 7 μ and preferably down to 4 μ from the pyrolysis gas, partially oxidizing the pyrolysis gas in a partial oxidation reactor (3) to remove tar from the pyrolysis gas, and guiding the pyrolysis gas through a coke bed (4) to further remove tar from the pyrolysis gas. Furthermore, a two-stage gasifier (6) is disclosed.
Original language | English |
IPC | C10K 1/ 34 A I |
Patent number | WO2019072351 |
Filing date | 12/10/2017 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 12/10/2017 |
Priority number | DK2017PA70776 |
Publication status | Published - 18 Apr 2019 |