A hybrid multiphase model accounting for particle agglomeration for coarse-grid simulation of dense solid flow inside large-scale cyclones

Mohamadali Mirzaei, Peter Arendt Jensen, Mohammadhadi Nakhaei, Hao Wu, Sam Zakrzewski, Haosheng Zhou, Weigang Lin*

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A hybrid multiphase model (Dense Discrete Phase Model, DDPM) coupled with an agglomeration model and a sub-grid drag model was developed for simulation of industrial-scale cyclones with high solid loading. The model is validated by experimental results of pressure drop and separation efficiency from a pilot-scale cyclone with a diameter of 1.6 m. Key trends such as improvement in separation efficiency and reduction in pressure drop of cyclone due to an increase in particle load are well captured by the model. It is concluded that including the agglomeration model is crucial in particular in cases involving very fine particles (d < 15 μm) for accurate predictions of pressure drop and separation efficiency, while using the sub-grid drag modification improves the prediction of separation efficiency.
Original languageEnglish
Article number117186
JournalPowder Technology
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Dense dispersed gas-solid flow
  • Dense Discrete Phase Model (DDPM)
  • Agglomeration modeling
  • Sub-grid drag model
  • Industrial-scale cyclone


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