A high-efficiency electrically-pumped single-photon source based on a photonics nanowire

Niels Gregersen, Torben Roland Nielsen, Jesper Mørk, Julien Claudon, Jean-Michel Gérard

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


    An electrically-pumped single-photon source design with a predicted efficiency of 89% is proposed. The design is based on a quantum dot embedded in a photonic nanowire with tailored ends and optimized contact electrodes. Unlike cavity-based approaches, the photonic nanowire features broadband spontaneous emission control and an improved tolerance towards fabrication imperfections. The various builidng blocks of the design are analyzed using an elements-splitting approach.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2010
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    Event3rd International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics - Bad Honnef, Germany
    Duration: 3 Nov 20105 Nov 2010
    Conference number: 3


    Workshop3rd International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics
    CityBad Honnef


    • photonic wire, nanowire, single-photon source, electrical pumping


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