A Graphene-Edge Ferroelectric Molecular Switch

José M. Caridad, Gaetano Calogero, Paolo Pedrinazzi, Jaime Eduardo Vieira da Silva Moutinho Santos, Anthony Impellizzeri, Tue Gunst, Timothy J. Booth, Roman Sordan, Peter Bøggild, Mads Brandbyge*

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We show that polar molecules (water, ammonia, and nitrogen dioxide) adsorbed solely at the exposed edges of an encapsulated graphene sheet exhibit ferroelectricity, collectively orienting and switching reproducibly between two available states in response to an external electric field. This ferroelectric molecular switching introduces drastic modifications to the graphene bulk conductivity and produces a large and ambipolar charge bistability in micrometer-size graphene devices. This system comprises an experimental realization of envisioned memory capacitive (“memcapacitive”) devices whose capacitance is a function of their charging history, here conceived via confined and correlated polar molecules at the one-dimensional edge of a two-dimensional crystal.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNano Letters
Issue number8
Pages (from-to)4675-4683
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Graphene edges
  • Polar molecules
  • Ferroelectricity
  • Mqemcapacitor
  • Hysteresis
  • Molecular switch


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