A full 3D time-dependent electromagnetic model for Roebel cables

Victor Manuel Rodriguez Zermeno, Francesco Grilli, Frederic Sirois

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


High temperature superconductor Roebel cables are well known for their large current capacity and low AC losses. For this reason they have become attractive candidates for many power applications. The continuous transposition of their strands reduces the coupling losses while ensuring better current sharing among them. However, since Roebel cables have a true 3D structure and are made of several high aspect ratio coated conductors, modelling and simulation of their electromagnetic properties is very challenging. Therefore, a realistic model taking into account the actual layout of the cable is unavoidably a large scale computational problem. In this work, we present a full 3D model of a Roebel cable with 14 strands. The model is based on the H-formulation, widely used for 2D problems. In order to keep the 3D features of the cable (in particular the magnetization currents near the transpositions), no simplifications are made other than the reduction of the modelled length according to the periodicity of the cable structure. The 3D model is used to study the dependence of AC losses on the amplitude of the AC applied magnetic field or transport current. Beyond the importance of simulating the Roebel cable layout, this work represents a further step into achieving 3D simulation of superconducting devices for real applications.
Original languageEnglish
Article number052001
JournalSuperconductor Science & Technology
Issue number5
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Aspect ratio
  • Cables
  • Critical current density (superconductivity)
  • Electromagnetism
  • High temperature superconductors
  • Three dimensional
  • Three dimensional computer graphics


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