A Federated Platform Enabling a Systematic Collaboration Among Devices, Data and Functions for Smart Mobility

Linlin You, Mazen Danaf, Fang Zhao*, Jinping Guan*, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Bilge Atasoy, Moshe Ben-Akiva

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Through the vast adoption and application of emerging technologies, the intelligence and autonomy of smart mobility can be substantially elevated to address more diversified demands and supplies. Along with this trend, a systematic collaboration among three essential elements of smart mobility services, namely devices, data and functions, is being studied to comprehensively break down the intrinsic barriers that existed in current solutions, to support the integration of connectable devices, the fusion of heterogeneous data, the composability of reusable functions, and the flexibility in their cooperations. To enable such a collaboration, this paper proposes a federated platform, called Future Mobility Sensing Advisor (FMSA), which can 1) manage the three elements through standardized interfaces separately and uniformly; 2) create a fully connected knowledge graph to orchestrate the three elements efficiently and effectively; 3) support the client-server interaction in centralized and federated modes to handle service requests and edge resources with various availability and accessibilities jointly and adaptively; and 4) accommodate various mobility services to foster harmonious and sustainable mobility tenderly and invisibly. Moreover, the efficiency and effectiveness of the platform are also tested through a performance evaluation, and a pilot supported at the Great Boston Area, respectively. As a result, it shows that FMSA can 1) achieve high performance by using the two interaction modes selectively, and 2) renovate smart mobility towards sustainability through personalized services that can measure user preferences and system objectives mutually.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)4060-4074
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Federated computing
  • Federated platform
  • Service orchestration
  • Smart mobility
  • Systematic collaboration


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