A device, a system and a method of encoding a position of an object

Michael Linde Jakobsen (Inventor), Steen Grüner Hanson (Inventor), Henrik Chresten Pedersen (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The present invention relates to a device for encoding a position of an object, comprising a first light source; a first collimating element adapted to form first collimated light from the first light source; a carrier adapted to guide light and comprising a first primary light redirecting structure and a second primary light redirecting structure; and a detector device for encoding the position of an object with respect to an active area of an encoding plane; wherein the first primary light redirecting structure is adapted to redirect at least a part of a first light beam through the active area into the second primary light redirecting structure; and wherein the second primary light redirecting structure is adapted to redirect light received from the first primary light redirecting structure onto the detector device. Thereby is achieved that a collimated light beam is propagated along the carrier and from the carrier into the active area via the first primary light redirecting means. The collimated light ensures a controlled part of the carrier is utilized for the propagation of the collimated light.
    Original languageEnglish
    Filing date23/05/2012
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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