A Comprehensive Set of Juno In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations of the Ganymede Auroral Footprint

V. Hue*, J. R. Szalay, T. K. Greathouse, B. Bonfond, S. Kotsiaros, C. K. Louis, A. Sulaiman, G. Clark, F. Allegrini, G. R. Gladstone, C. Paranicas, M. H. Versteeg, A. Mura, A. Moirano, D. J. Gershman, S. J. Bolton, J.E.P. Connerney, M. W. Davis, R. W. Ebert, J.‐C. GérardR. S. Giles, D. C. Grodent, M. Imai, J. A. Kammer, W. S. Kurth, L. Lamy, B. H. Mauk

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Jupiter’s satellite auroral footprints are a manifestation of the satellite-magnetosphere interaction of the Galilean moons. Juno’s polar elliptical orbit enables crossing the magnetic flux tubes connecting each Galilean moons with their associated auroral emission. Juno’s payload allows measuring the fields and particle population in the flux tubes while remotely sensing their associated auroral emissions. During its thirtieth perijove, Juno crossed the flux tube directly connected to Ganymede’s leading footprint spot, a unique event in the entire Juno prime mission. Juno revealed a highly-structured precipitating electron flux, up to 316 mW/m2, while measuring both a small perturbation in the magnetic field azimuthal component and small Poynting flux, with an estimated total downward current of 4.2 ± 1.2 kA. Based on the evolution of the footprint morphology and the field and particle measurements, Juno transited for the first time through a region connected to the transhemispheric electron beam of the Ganymede footprint.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2021GL096994
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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