A comparative study of the alternative life history of iteroparous salmonids

Robert J. Lennox*, Cecilie I. Nilsen, Lotte S. Dahlmo, Saron Berhe, Bjorn T. Barlaup, Erik Straume Normann, Yngve Landro, Kim Birnie‐Gauvin, Steven J. Cooke, Knut Wiik Vollset

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The kelt phase of anadromous iteroparous salmonid life history remains mysterious, particularly aspects of their habitat use and factors influencing survival. Atlantic salmon and sea‐run brown trout were captured in the estuary during their return migration to the Vosso River, Norway, tagged with acoustic transmitters, and tracked in the watershed and estuary in three different years (2020–2023). We found a relatively narrow window of river exit timing among trout that survived overwinter, whereas salmon tended to leave during a more protracted period. Trout preferred overwintering in lakes within the river system, which provided for lower locomotor activity than fish that overwintered in pools in the river according to data from tri‐axial accelerometer transmitters. In contrast, Atlantic salmon tended to spend surprisingly little time in lakes even though the energy expenditure in this habitat is was seemingly lower for salmon that did overwinter in the lake. Our results demonstrate different use of habitat during overwintering and could suggest that measures to protect iteroparous life history strategies of salmonids will differently impact these two iteroparous salmonids.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12786
JournalEcology of Freshwater Fish
Number of pages11
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Acoustic telemtry
  • Anadromy
  • Freshwater ecology
  • Kelt
  • Repeat spawning
  • Winter biology


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