A comparative study of sensitivity computations in ESDIRK-based optimal control problems

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This paper compares the impact of iterated and direct approaches to sensitivity computation in fixed step-size explicit singly diagonally implicit Runge–Kutta (ESDIRK) methods when applied to optimal control problems (OCPs). We strictly use the principle of internal numerical differentiation (IND) for the iterated approach, i.e., reusing iteration matrix factorizations, the number of Newton-type iterations, and Newton iterates, to compute the sensitivities. The direct method computes the sensitivities without using the Newton schemes. We compare the impact of these sensitivity computations in OCPs for the quadruple tank system (QTS). We discretize the OCPs using multiple shooting and solve these with a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) solver. We benchmark the iterated and direct approaches against a base case. This base case applies the ESDIRK methods with exact Newton schemes and a direct approach for sensitivity computations. In these OCPs, we vary the number of integration steps between control intervals and evaluate the performance based on the number of SQP and QPs iterations, KKT violations, function evaluations, Jacobian updates, and iteration matrix factorizations. We also provide examples using the continuous-stirred tank reactor (CSTR), and the IPOPT algorithm instead of the SQP. For OCPs solved using SQP, the QTS results show the direct method converges only once, while the iterated approach and base case converges in all situations. Similar results are seen with the CSTR. Using IPOPT, both the iterated approach and base case converge in all cases. In contrast, the direct method only converges in all cases regarding the CSTR.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101064
JournalEuropean Journal of Control
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • ESDIRK methods
  • Integrator sensitivity computations
  • Internal numerical differentiation
  • Numerical comparison
  • Optimal control problems


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