A brief perspective on environmental science in the anthropocene: Recalibrating, rethinking and re-evaluating to meet the challenge of complexity

Farhan R. Khan, Stephanie Storebjerg Croft, Elisa Escabia Herrando, Athanasios Kandylas, Tabea Meyerjuergens, Dylan Rayner, Juliane Schulte, Ingmar Valdemarsoná Løgmansbø

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A convincing case has been made that the scale of human activity has reached such per-vasiveness that humans are akin to a force of nature. How environmental science responds to the many new challenges of the Anthropocene is at the forefront of the field. The aim of this perspective is to describe Anthropocene as a concept and a time period and discuss its relevance to the contem-porary study of environmental science. Specifically, we consider areas in environmental science which may need to be revisited to adjust to complexity of the new era: (a) recalibrate the idea of environmental baselines as Anthropogenic baselines; (b) rethink multiple stressor approaches to recognize a system under flux; (c) re-evaluate the relationship of environmental science with other disciplines, particularly Earth Systems Science, but also social sciences and humanities. The all-en-compassing nature of the Anthropocene necessitates the need to revise and reorganize to meet the challenge of complexity.
Original languageEnglish
Article number98
Issue number10
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Anthropocene baselines
  • Earth system science
  • Ecosystem health
  • Environmental science
  • Multiple stressors


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