A bacterial cell factory for efficient production of ethanol from whey

Peter Ruhdal Jensen (Inventor), Jianming Liu (Inventor), Christian Solem (Inventor), Shruti Harnal Dantoft (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The invention relates to a method for homo-ethanol production from lactose using a genetically modified lactic acid bacterium of the invention, where the cells are provided with a substrate comprising dairy waste supplemented with an amino nitrogen source (such as acid hydrolysed corn steep liquor). The invention further relates to genetically modified lactic acid bacterium and its use for homo-ethanol production from lactose in dairy waste. The lactic acid bacterium comprises both genes (lacABCD, LacEF, lacG) encoding enzymes catalysing the lactose catabolism pathway; and transgenes (pdc and adhB) encoding enzymes catalysing the conversion of pyruvate to ethanol. Additionally a number of genes (Idh, pta and adhE) are deleted in order to maximise homo-ethanol production as compared to production of lactate, acetoin and acetate production.

Original languageEnglish
IPCC12N 15/ 75 A I
Patent numberWO2017144672
Filing date31/08/2017
Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Priority date25/02/2016
Priority numberEP20160157325
Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2017


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