2D fluid simulations of interchange turbulence with ion dynamics

Anders Henry Nielsen, Jens Madsen, G. S. Xu, Volker Naulin, Jens Juul Rasmussen, Ning Yan

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


In this paper we present a first principle global two-dimensional fluid model. The HESEL (Hot Edge SOL Electrostatic) model is a 2D numerical fluid code, based on interchange dynamics and includes besides electron also the ion pressure dynamic. In the limit of cold ions the model almost reduces to the so-called ESEL model, which has successfully modeled profiles in JET [1], and profiles and fluctuations in MAST [2], EAST [3] and TCV [4]. It is a four-field Braginskii model including generalized vorticity, density, electron and ion pressure equations. The generalized vorticity consist of an ExB vorticity as well as the ion diamagnetic vorticity. The 2D domain includes both open and closed field lines and is located on the out-board midplane of a tokamak. On open field field lines the parallel dynamics are parametrized as sink terms depending on the dynamic quantities; density, electron and ion pressures and generalized vorticity.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberP5.173
JournalEurophysics Conference Abstracts
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics - Espoo, Finland
Duration: 1 Jul 20135 Jul 2013
Conference number: 40


Conference40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics
Internet address


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