2D and 3D characterization of rolling contact fatigue cracks in manganese steel wing rails from a crossing

S. Dhar, Hilmar Kjartansson Danielsen, Søren Fæster, Christian Jørgen Rasmussen, Dorte Juul Jensen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    Rail wheel contact at switches and crossings (S&Cs) induces impact stresses along with rolling contact stresses,resulting in plastic deformation and eventually crack formation. Damaged and deformed wing rails of a man-ganese steel crossing are studied and the microstructure, hardness and 3D crack network within the steel arecharacterized. It is found that the surface of the rail receives the maximum deformation resulting in a hardenedtop layer. The deformation is manifested by a high density of twins and dislocation boundaries in the micro-structure. A complex crack network is revealed in high resolution by X-ray tomography.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number202959
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Switches and crossings (S&Cs)
    • Deformation
    • 3D X-Ray tomography
    • 2D & 3D crack network
    • Rolling contact fatigue (RCF)
    • Manganese steel


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